The Money Shot: The Half-Bill Face

There's playing with money, and there's really playing with money. You may have spotted a few of these half-money, half face pictures over the last few weeks. All that's needed is half a banknote held up to your face in front of your webcam. The moment you click the shutter, you've just created your money shot.

Creating new faces from half bills isn't anything new, but it recently got a boost over the Internet thanks to a Reddit thread created a month ago about the topic. The picture above was the first such image shared on the site and pretty soon other members began posting their own half-face, half-money creations. Check out some of the better money faces below.

The original Reddit thread on these half-money faces is here. For more money shots, check out The 99% Behind the Money tumblr over here and Show me the Money Face over here.

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