Luis Fabini: Horsemen of the Americas

Over the weekend, photographer Luis Fabini contacted me to share a new video he made celebrating the Horsemen of the Americas. Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with his name as he was featured a few months ago over here with his evocative photographs of cowboys, llaneros, vaqueiros and gauchos from all over North and South America.

(If you have trouble with the embedded video, you can watch it here:

For anyone who's had trouble telling apart a gaucho from a vaqueiro or a charro from a llanero, this video will be of interest to you as Fabini shows his beautiful photographs along with a little map pinpointing where these different horsemen come from. It doesn't hurt that there's stirring music from Cuarteto Zitarrosa.

The simple four-minute video shows just how connected these different horsemen are, despite the diversity of location and lifestyle. Iif you missed the first post on Luis Fabini, check out more of his amazing Horsemen of the Americas photographs here.

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