The 105th

As of this post, this blog now has 105 followers! I was hoping to post by the 100th follower, but I unfortunately slept through the momentous event. Nevertheless, 105 is a nice enough number.

My sincerest thanks to all of you for taking the time to read the posts here and for leaving your comments.  I make sure every post is worth reading, so it's great to have that kind of feedback. I also visit every blog from each comment; it's taking up to two hours of my time every day, including new followers, but no one gets left behind.

I was hoping to gain some supplemental income from Adsense, but Google has denied my application three times because the blog is reportedly "under construction". I'm not sure which pages need more work, but if anyone has any advice on this matter, please leave them in the comments section.

I'm also preparing a whole line of interesting posts for the next few weeks, so here's to the next 105 followers!

By the way, the source of the above image is from this Wikipedia page. It's purely coincidental as I was searching for an image with the 105 number, but the fact that it is an interstate highway sign fits very well with the theme of networking followers and fellow bloggers. 

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