Public Enemies: The FBI Most Wanted

The last two posts have dealt with images of criminals and lawbreakers of the past, so what better way to end this week than to feature the photographs and mug shots of America's most wanted fugitives of the present. These are the faces of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives (they were never officially called the Ten Most Wanted Public Enemies) was first published by newspapers and magazines in the 1950s as a way to increase public awareness about these dangerous criminals. The program is still being broadcasted through the radio, television and the internet. You can find more about program here.

Since its inception, public involvement has led to the apprehension of 152 fugitives. This post then isn't just about being consistent with the previous articles; the info presented here might actually lead to a verifiable tip and subsequent arrest.

The following (in no particular order) are the names and faces of the most wanted men in America as of May 2011. All the information, verbatim text, photographs and sketches come from the FBI's website.

1) Alexis Flores

Alexis Flores is wanted for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The girl was reported missing in late July of 2000, and later found strangled to death in a nearby apartment in early August of 2000.

2) Eduardo Ravelo

Eduardo Ravelo is wanted for his involvement in racketeering activities, conspiracy to launder monetary instruments, and conspiracy to possess heroin, cocaine and marijuana with the intent to distribute. He may have had plastic surgery and altered his fingerprints.

3) Glen Stewart Godwin

Glen Stewart Godwin is being sought for his 1987 escape from Folsom State Prison in California, where he was serving a lengthy sentence for murder. He was later arrested for drug trafficking in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. After being convicted, he was sent to a prison in Guadalajara. In April of 1991, Godwin allegedly murdered a fellow inmate and then escaped five months later.

4) James J. Bulger

James J. Bulger is being sought for his role in numerous murders committed from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s in connection with his leadership of an organized crime group that allegedly controlled extortion, drug deals, and other illegal activities in the Boston, Massachusetts area. He has a violent temper and is known to carry a knife at all times.

5) Jason Derek Brown

Jason Derek Brown is wanted for murder and armed robbery in Phoenix, Arizona. During November of 2004, Brown allegedly shot and killed an armored car guard outside a movie theater and then fled with the money. Additionally, he may be in the possession of a Glock 9mm and a .45 caliber handgun.

6) Joe Luis Saenz

Joe Luis Saenz is wanted for allegedly shooting and killing two rival gang members in Los Angeles. Less than two weeks later, on August 5, 1998, Saenz allegedly kidnapped, raped, and murdered his girlfriend. Saenz allegedly murdered a fourth victim in October of 2008 in Los Angeles County. He is believed to always carry a weapon.

7) Robert William Fisher

Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house in which they all lived in Scottsdale, Arizona in April of 2001. He has ties to New Mexico and Florida. Fisher is believed to be in possession of several weapons, including a high-powered rifle.

8) Semion Mogilevich

Semion Mogilevich is wanted for his alleged participation in a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud thousands of investors in the stock of a public company incorporated in Canada, but headquartered in Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, between 1993 and 1998. The scheme to defraud collapsed in 1998, after thousands of investors lost in excess of 150 million U.S. dollars, and Mogilevich, thought to have allegedly funded and authorized the scheme, was indicted in April of 2003.

9) Usama Bin Laden

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

Bin Laden was recently shot and killed by Navy Seals in a US Government operation while he was hiding in Pakistan.

10) Victor Manuel Gerena

Victor Manuel Gerena is being sought in connection with the armed robbery of approximately $7 million from a security company in Connecticut in 1983. He allegedly took two security employees hostage at gunpoint and then handcuffed, bound and injected them with an unknown substance in order to further disable them.

If you have any information about these public enemies, you can send them through this online FBI form. A reward of up to $100,000 or more is offered for tips that can lead directly to an arrest. Be warned however that sending false information is a criminal offense. You can read more about these fugitives over at the FBI's Most Wanted site.

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